Corporate Voice Over, Showreels and Christmas Update!

Unfortunately, the voiceover blog has had to take a back seat recently…due to voice work commitments, lots of corporate voice over jobs recently, more about that in a moment!! I’m not complaining here, honest, keep the work coming, I just wish there were more hours in the day sometimes.

I’m gearing up for Christmas now, lots of festive voice work being done and stuff for the start of 2014. With my own studio and extremely competitive rates, I can offer same day recordings and rush jobs are a breeze – if you need an English male voiceover during the festive season, drop me a line, I won’t be far from the studio.

Since my last post, Ive been busy working on lots of corporate promotion projects, training videos, TV commercials and product demos for companies such as:

  • AMI Learning
  • AutoSport
  • Canyon Spectral Bikes
  • StrikeAd

Lots of clients I have require corporate voice over work or commercial voice work (tv & radio adverts/promos). When Ive had feedback from clients, they’ve commented that they really like the tone of my voice – corporate clients like it as its friendly, upbeat and informative, without being a know-it-all! It gives they company a good voice, so to speak. It makes training videos less monotonous, keeps hold of clients attention during product launches and is clear and easy to understand for on-hold messaging.

Clients I’ve done adverts and promo work for have fed back pretty much the same thing, with the added line of  ‘your upbeat style makes everything more exciting and interesting’. I’m particular good at fast paced, upbeat reads, which, depending on what the client is trying to get across, can work really well on the radio and tv – makes it stand out amongst the voiceover crowd, you sit up and listen.

With the corporate and commercial sectors being a large part of my voiceover work, Ive created two bespoke voiceover showreels to demonstrate what I do, have a listen below:

Corporate Voiceover Showreel

Commercial Showreel

You can hear lots more recent voice over samples here.

As I mentioned earlier, I won’t be far from the studio over the Christmas and New Year period, if you need any voice work doing, drop me a line. Also, just because its the festive season, I won’t be cranking up the prices! I’ll still be extremely competitive and deliver your project on time and to the highest standard.

Get in touch here, or fill out the contact form below, and I’ll get right back to you.

If I don’t speak to you before hand, have a great Christmas and all the best for 2014 – its gonna be a stormer!


Neil Williams English Male Voiceover