Skydiver in mid-air with parachute cords attached, against a clear sky background.

A busy voiceover is a happy one!

September was another busy month, both in the voiceover world and personal world, hence the lack of posts! Quick round up goes like this…
– More voiceovers done for the British Heart Foundation. Main voice for their Great British Bag-A-Thon campaign. Heard recently that the adverts helped them smash last years target for bags collected, so chuffed to have been part of that
– Working with a new TV station, providing on demand voiceover for promos.

– Signed up for another year of work with Global Radio

– Had the voiceover website re-designed, thanks for all the lovely feedback

– Did a sky dive – just as well there wasn’t a microphone recording my voice when I jumped out of the plane at 10,000ft, definitely not for broadcast! It was the most amazing experience, free falling through the sky, went through a cloud – which was really cold, then the parachute kicks in and had the most amazing views over Oxfordshire. Thats me doing the jump in the picture.

– Lots of work done on the weightloss app, hopefully it’ll be out soon.

As ever, drop me a line here if you’ve got any voice over requests or questions, always happy to help. You can hear recent voice over samples here.

Catch you soon, have fun.
