english voice over studio

If you’ve just landed on my site, welcome! Let me set the scene; I’m Neil and I record authentic British voice overs. I’m based in London, England and have my own voice over home studio. This page is all about that studio and what it’s built with. Okay, now you’re up to speed!

You could hire me and then book a separate studio to record in, but that would be expensive and daft. Why? Because I offer voice over services where the price includes recording and editing of your audio in a professional studio, mine! And, they’re affordable voice over rates, too.

The studio is built with the same technology found in leading recording studios around the world, find out more below.

What Recording equipment do I use?

Click on an image for details about my voice over home studio set-up

The Apogee logo represents audio quality for a voice over online Its a purple A with the word apogee written under

Why Hire Voice Talent Online with home Studio?

Answer = cheaper and quicker!

Cheaperbooking a freelance voiceover artist who has their own home studio is always going to be better for your wallet than going through a voiceover agency – you’re cutting out the middle person (the agent) and you’re saving on the expense of booking a studio, but you still get professional voice over services – five star rated, in my case!

Quicker: you can send me your script now and I could have the audio back to you, ready to use, within 60 minutes! That’s the beauty of hiring a voice over online with their own studio; there is no waiting around for confirmation of talent availability or studio time etc..

Click on the icons to discover more about the projects I’ve recorded in my voice over home studio.

Outline of a Television Screen to indicate voice talent online who records commercials
image of a minion type looking person with glasses to show Corporate Narration Voice Over
Outline image of a phone showing on hold and IVR audio recorded by neil in his voice over home studio
On Hold / IVR
Outline of a Clapper Board showing Neil is a documentary voice over online available for hire
Outline image of a video camera to show explainer video voice overs recorded by Neil, a voice over online available for hire
Outline fo a school hat on a computer screen that indicates Neil is a voice over with home studio recording e-learning projects
Outline of a stack of books to show a voice talent online that records book audio narration voice overs

Working as a voice over online also means that wherever you are in the world, from Sydney to Scotland, Tokyo to Tennessee, you can listen in to the recording session and direct it remotely. You may have heard of a source connect voice over, or maybe an ipDTL voice over, I can do both at no extra charge. Contact me about your options to listen into my home studio in real time to get the best results for your project.

Voice over Home Studio Equipment

Neumann Microphone

I wouldn’t be much of a voice over online without this piece of kit! Taking pride of place in my studio is the Neumann U87 Ai microphone! Who are Neumann, you may ask. These are the guys who set the standard and are the leading manufacturer of studio microphones.

It is widely known that if a studio has a Neumann, it’s a sign of a professional operation. Not to boast, but I’ve got two! The U87Ai and a TLM103. Both produce flawless recordings which guarantee a crisp, clear, quality recording every time.

image of a neumann u87Ai microphone which male voice over artist Neil Williams uses in his voice over home studio
image of an avalon pre amp that a voice over online might use. its a silver box with twoo silver knobs either side of a dial.
The Avalon Logo has the word Avalon above the word design. It is used to represent the industry leading audio equipment that is used when hiring a voiceover artist like Neil Williams, Male Voice Artist

Avalon Pre-Amp

If you’re wondering, the pre-amp gives the microphone its power and boosts the signal. You could have the best microphone in the world, but it is nothing without a decent pre-amp. My voiceover home studio is kitted out with an Avalon M5 to reproduce a near perfect sound.

One of the worlds most respected pieces of studio equipment, this model is used in professional audio recordings around the world. I’m one of a few voice over artists online to be able to offer such a combination, this amp with the U87Ai, that delivers the highest quality possible without hiring a studio.

Apogee Audio Interface

So far, all the equipment has been analog. How do we get it into a computer for recording and editing in a digital format? We need an AD/DA converter that takes that analog signal from the pre-amp and converters it to digital.

In my studio, I use Apogee. They’ve been around for over three decades, setting the standard in audio recording. If it wasn’t for this piece of kit, I’d be sending you your audio in the post, on tape (and that wouldn’t make for a very good voice over online!!)

The Apogee logo represents audio quality for a voice over online Its a purple A with the word apogee written under
The Neumann logo is a triangle with the word neumann vertically down the middle. They make microphones found in professional voiceover home studios
The Apple Logo (black apple with a bite taken out on right ) to represent the hardware used to record voiceover projects when a clients books a voice over artist, like Neil Williams, an English Male Voice Talent
Image of the Apogee Quartet, which is a black box with a silver dial on the right and a graphics display indicating the level of that the voice talent online is recording at. This is a piece of equipment that Neil Williams uses to record voiceovers with from his home studio
A white background with what looks like blue hills, of different heights, that are used to show the look of audio for editing purposes. When you hire a voiceover artist online, like Neil Williams, this is what they see when editing the voiceover audio.

Audio Recording and Editing

After the audio converter comes the recording and editing of your audio. Any voice over home studio that wants to be taken seriously will most likely be recording on a Mac! They just work and get the job done.

My Mac is the work horse of the studio (other than me, obviously)! I run both Adobe Audition and Pro Tools for recording and editing, depending on the job that needs doing. As a source connect voice over, clients can listen in and record the audio directly from my studio.

Presonus Monitoring

These may look like normal speakers, but they’re slightly different to the ones you’d listen to your favourite music on. These are called monitors and they give an accurate, flat frequency response, unlike speakers on your stereo which are tuned to make audio more appealing. Having them ‘untuned’ helps hear the true sound of the recording.

I use the Eris range of monitor speakers in the studio from Presonus; who are synonymous with high-quality audio.

Two Presonus speakers sat on a work surface, similar to the ones used by Neil Williams for listening to audio being recorded for voiceover bookings and clients
Presonus logo has a black background with Presonus in white writing they make monitor speakers which are used to listen back to recordings in a professional voice over home studio
ipDTL logo shows Neil Williams, English Male Voiceover Artist, is an ipdtl voice over and able to offer remote professional voiceover recordings from his voiceover studio

Listen and Direct your Voice Over Online Session from Anywhere

I have both ipDTL and Source Connect available in my London based voice over studio. What does this mean? You can log in to hear your script being recorded from anywhere in the world and direct the session, in real time, high quality audio!

With my ipDTL voice over login, I just send you a link to access the studio. All you need is an internet connection and some headphones. Source Connect voice over sessions enable audio to be recorded remotely via Pro Tools.

What Does The Studio Sound Like?

After reading about all the tech in the studio, hows does it sound? Have a listen, or a watch, rather! 

The video showreel is made up of audio that was all recorded in my voiceover home studio in London, England.

Voice Talent Online Available Now!

There you have it, everything you need to know about my studio. 

I offer professional voice over services, that include recording and editing, at competitive rates with a fast turnaround.

I’ll save you time and money in your quest to hire a British male voice over artist.

or email